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CCU electrolyser

GIG Karasek’s CCU technology is based on the simultaneous electrolysis of carbon dioxide and water.

With the Austrian GIG Karasek Eco2Cell electrochemical conversion unit (CCU electrolyzer), harmful carbon dioxide can be converted into valuable products, such as fuels and chemicals. The developed electrocatalytic cell transforms carbon dioxide and water into useful compounds, such as formic acid or methane, using electricity. The applied voltage in the unit reduces carbon dioxide at the cathode and oxidizes water at the anode. The final product of the electrochemical conversion depends on the catalyst, electrode materials, voltage, and current density, as well as the electrolyte composition.

This advanced technology can be used in various industries, such as cement, biogas, steel, forestry, and petrochemicals.

End Products:

  • Synthesis gas
  • Ethylene
  • Formic acid
  • Methanol
  • Methane
  • Other chemicals and fuels

Advantages of the Technology:

  • A wide range of possible end products
  • Easy scalability due to modular design
  • Moderate operating temperature and pressure
  • No need to feed hydrogen into the reaction
  • Zero-emission technology

Contact us

Mika Puhakainen


  • FI