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Microbiological control (e.g. Legionella)

Banmark’s product range includes chlorine-stabilizing products as well as stabilized chlorine dioxide for the control of legionella, molds, and other microbes. Banmark’s stabilized chlorine dioxide is an innovative and efficient solution for microbial control, specifically designed for demanding and high-volume water systems. The product helps improve water quality, enhance treatments, and reduce corrosion. Additionally, the product has a long shelf life and easy dosing.

The main benefits:

  • Highly effective for microbial control and biofilm removal
  • Suitable for a wide pH range
  • Safe chemical without the need for mixing dangerous chemicals
  • Long shelf life

The product is suitable for use in: Process industries, cooling water systems, raw water treatment, food industry, healthcare, drinking water disinfection and petrochemical processes. Contact our experts to find out how we can help you solve your process issues and improve operational efficiency.

Contact us

Marko Virolainen


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