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Online monitoring and controlling – Online-PDC

Continuous determination of the dry content in real time.

The development of the dry content along the production process has a significant influence on the paper quality as well as the efficiency and runability of a paper machine. The online PDC is a measuring device that continuously determines the dry content of the paper web at a defined position and transmits it to the DCS. In combination with EVA vacuum control valves, a fully automatic, dry content-dependent vacuum control can be realized. In the field of couching, for example, this makes it possible to improve or maintain constant gap strength.

  • Continuous determination of the dry content.
  • Can be used at different positions on the wire section.
  • Spring-loaded measuring head – compact and extremely robust.
  • Variable height adjustment possible during operation.
  • Simple integration into the DCS.
  • Web-based user interface IBS SCADA for visualization, remote support and much more.

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