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Vacuum control valves


Precise vacuum control of your low-vacuum area.

EVA is an electopneumatic vacuum control system with self-cleaning valves – tried and tested over many years. The system ensures absolutely constant and stable production conditions. The main application is in the low-vacuum area. Here, precise control options are demanded and it is often necessary to reduce the vacuum that emerges naturally due to high water volumes. To this end, EVA provides the option of introducing atmospheric air. EVA can be controlled by your DCS, or IBS provides you separate control.

  • Maximum operational reliability.
  • Maintenance free.
  • Supreme control accuracy ensures constant dewatering conditions.
  • Integrated cleaning system of measuring unit .

EPB Plus

Reliable vacuum control of your high-vacuum area.

The centerpiece of EPB Plus vacuum control systems is an electropneumatic control valve equipped with innovative components, thus guaranteeing continuous and reliable vacuum control of your high-vacuum area. EPB Plus can be integrated directly into your DCS, or IBS can provide you an individual control unit. EPB Plus control valves differ substantially from others available on the market:

  • Integrated vacuum measurement for reliable vacuum control.
  • Integrated cleaning system for a high degree of functional reliability.
  • Minimal cable complexity, due to integrated vacuum measurement.
  • Glass-fibre-reinforced protective cover protects all components from dirt.

Contact us

Mika Puhakainen