- Products
Paper and board
- Water treatment
- Wood and chip yard
- Pulp making
- Pitch control
- Defoamers
- Press fabrics
- Detergents
- Strength enhancers (Biopolymer)
- Additives for wet strength broke pulping
- Additives for fiber modification
- Additives for peroxide bleaching
- Magnesium hydroxide
- Enzymes
- Organic Deposit Control
- Inorganic Deposit Control
- Edge showers
- Adjustable shower pipes
- Scanjet tank cleaners
- iFibre
- Starch Performer starch cooker
- Screw presses
- Double wire presses
- Disc filters
- Bale handling systems
- Baler wires
- Wire section
- Defoamers
- Dewatering elements, ceramics and PE
- iTable and dewatering elements optimization
- Dewatering elements
- Fabric tensioning
- Doctors, oscillating and shower systems
- SuperSteamVac steam box
- Edge trimming and tail cutter, ruby nozzles
- Edge showers and edge trimming
- Vacuum control valves
- Fabric cleaning and conditioning
- Slime control
- Banform SSB wires
- Online monitoring and controlling – Online-PDC
- Online monitoring and controlling – Flowmaster
- TableVision – Activity Vision
- TableVision – Jet Vision
- TableVision -Line Vision
- TableVision – FlocVision
- Fabric Guides
- Retention agents
- Press section
- Drying
- Air flotation dryers and air turn solutions
- Fabric cleaning agents
- Degreasers
- Yankee roll release agents
- Bandry woven dryer fabrics
- Bandry PPS hydrolysis resistant dryer fabrics
- Bandry fabrics for broke conveyor
- Electric Infra-Red dryers – DryMaster™
- Electrical IR wet edge dryers – EdgeMaster™
- Gas IR and air drying systems – UniDryer®
- Energy recovery systems
- Gas IR dryers – GemDryer®
- Air dryers – FoilMaster™
- Coating
- Reeler and finishing
- Monitoring
Chemical pulping
- Water treatment
- Wood and chip yard
- Fiber line
- Drying
- Pitch control
- Defoamers
- Adjustable shower pipes
- Dewatering elements, ceramics and PE
- Fabric tensioning
- Doctors, oscillating and shower systems
- SuperSteamVac steam box
- Edge trimming and tail cutter, ruby nozzles
- Edge showers and edge trimming
- Vacuum control valves
- Online monitoring and controlling – Online-PDC
- Online monitoring and controlling – Flowmaster
- Fabric Guides
- Safetymaster
- Strength enhancers (Biopolymer)
- Dewatering elements optimization
- Microbiological control
- Cylinder protection agent
- Forming fabrics
- Baler wires
- Recovery
- Condition monitoring
- Mechanical forest industry
- Biomaterials
- Green transition sectors
- Electrification and energy solutions
- Biogas and biofuels
- Petrochemicals
- Mining industry
- Metal industry
Paper and board
- Acrowood
- AstenJohnson Advanced Fabrics
- Bellmer
- Bollfilter
- Broadwire
- Buckau-Wolf GmbH
- Eaton
- FMW Industries
- GIG Karasek
- HeatHamster
- Herco
- Horst Sprenger
- IBS Austria GmbH
- Innocode
- Ircon Solaronics
- James Ross
- Kapotek
- MAAG Group
- Meidinger AG
- Papertech
- Pieralisi
- Pirobloc
- Renk Group
- Scanjet Systems
- Schaumann Bioenergy
- sera Group
- Spooner Industries Limited
- UMV Coating Systems
- Vakuo
- Sustainability
- Company
- Contact us
Webinspector system WIS
AI-based web inspection.
WebInspector® systems for web inspection not only ensure production efficiency and product quality, but also efficiency of the entire downstream converting process – from the winder to converting to complaint handling. The unique image processing system based on neural networks reliably detects and documents all defects in the paper web.
- Reliable defect segmentation using neural networks – resistant to process variations (lighting, grade, etc.).
- Distinct classification of typical defect classes using AI models (e.g. streaks, wrinkles, shreds, halos, …).
- Fastest start-up due to pre-trained AI model.
- Line scan or matrix cameras – the right technology for every application.
- Tracking the root cause of defects with TotalVision.
- Choosing the right camera for the right position (resolution/frequency)
- Always technically advanced cameras from professionals
- GiGE-standard, without significant development costs
- Combines black and white, colour and IR cameras
- AlliedVision / Dalsa / Basler / JAI

Dalsa Linea ML 8K
- Quad-linear CMOS-Sensor with 5µm Pixelsize (100% Pixel-Fill-Factor)
- 280kHz @8196
- Camera Link HS Interface
- Bandwidth 1600MByte/s (15 Gbit)